Day 4 at Otterbein

Hours: 7.5 Total Hours: 26.5 Today, I worked on a weeding project and went to the Librarians Meeting. The weeding project was for books in the Sociology section with zero circulation. I went to the shelves, to check the books on the list physically. I was looking for bookplates for special collections, as well as copies that were the last… More →

Day 2 at Otterbein

Hours: 7.5  Total Hours: 15 I started the day, and spent many blocks of time throughout the day working on the DC Survey questions. I found a few more articles about Institutional Repository use and surveys, and borrowed a few question topics from them. I added a few demographic questions based on a suggestion from Tiffany, and then moved them… More →

Day 1 at Otterbein

Hours: 7.5 Total Hours: 7.5 I started out getting familiar with Digital Commons @ Otterbein. I browsed through all the collections, noting how much content was coming from each department, and what years content had been created in. The majority of content was from the previous year, the year in which the DC had started running. But some of the… More →