Day 9 at Otterbein

Hours: 7.5 Total Hours: 67.5 Started my day with the usual meeting with Jane about what was on the docket for the week. She had gotten some feedback from other library staff about our surveys and passed that on. We needed to do slightly different questions for Staff and Admin than for Faculty for the IR Survey. She also invited… More →

Day 3 at Otterbein

Hours: 4 Total Hours: 19 Labor day, so shorter hours at the library today. Three tasks on my plate. Started with reviewing corrections to the Digital Commons survey. Added a few more options, a few more questions, and proofread the new introduction. Once the committee meets, the survey will be ready to go. I also spent some time reviewing the… More →

Day 1 at Otterbein

Hours: 7.5 Total Hours: 7.5 I started out getting familiar with Digital Commons @ Otterbein. I browsed through all the collections, noting how much content was coming from each department, and what years content had been created in. The majority of content was from the previous year, the year in which the DC had started running. But some of the… More →