Day 3 at Otterbein

Hours: 4 Total Hours: 19

Labor day, so shorter hours at the library today. Three tasks on my plate.
Started with reviewing corrections to the Digital Commons survey. Added a few more options, a few more questions, and proofread the new introduction. Once the committee meets, the survey will be ready to go. I also spent some time reviewing the usage statistics for the Digial Commons over the last year. It shows some really interesting trends. The average usage of each individual object is approximately 13 views/downloads per object.

The biggest task for my day was creating a LibGuide for a Sociology course. The professor asked Jane to give a talk to the class to help them learn how to research the information needed for the class project. I skimmed through other Sociology LibGuides that Jane has created, and got a basic idea of how they work. Then I read through the assignment, and collected initial useful links from the project steps. Next, I created a draft LibGuide from a previous Sociology template. I added in the assignment links, and Googled for more useful resources. I reused article databases and books from the previous sociology and criminology LibGuides, to fill it out.


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