Day 13 at CML

Hours: 7.5 Total Hours: 97.5

I started my day sorting the first roll of hand-written cards (A1), and scanning the second roll(A2) onto a different drive. Took me a while to get the scanner calibrated just right, but not nearly as long as the first time. Once I had the A1 roll sorted, I renamed the files sequentially on a different computer.

When A2 was done, I moved onto the third (A3), which started out difficult, but eventually got scanning smoothly. I got A2 sorted into browsable folders, and let A3 finish the last few hundred scans after I left.

The Ohio State Journal Index is a really interesting and very useful project. Every article is indexed by every important bit in it. Topic, place, year, people. Every little bit of it can be used to find the articles. It is really hard not to use the collection while I’m creating it. So far, only the typed pages are up, but because they are typed, they are accessible by full-text search. The ones I’m working on now will have to be browsed and deciphered by hand.

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